Spinning 101: 4 week long Series.
Instructor: Mary C
Come join Mary for a fun introduction to Spinning, a 4-week Series held periodically as we get requests.
She’ll walk you through the basic moves, help you set up the bike, start slow, stay safe and be comfortable. Then relax and enjoy her great play lists while you learn how to Spin!
Spinning 101 is taught as a special Series in 4-class increments. Series are not included in regular memberships or class passes and require a separate 4-class Spinning 101 class pass. At least 6 students are required for the Series to be run. If not enough students sign up, you can choose to wait until enough students sign up, or we’ll cheerfully refund your payment.

Parent-Child Yoga: 4 week long Series, recurring when there is interest.
Instructor: Michele F
Please join Michele F for this fun parent-child yoga series incorporating gentle postures from yoga and pilates into a lively fitness series building family bonds and healthy habits for a lifetime. For Pre-Teen children ages 4 to 15; no prior experience necessary. Classes will involve 45 minutes of standing and floor mat activity, followed by 15 minutes of cooling and stretching.
The series is typically scheduled for Thursdays from 6PM to 7PM. Both parent and child(or children) need to pre-pay and have signed a waiver prior to the first class.
If you are interested in this Series, please contact Susan for more details.

Girls and/or Scouts and/or Teen Yoga: 6 week long Series.
Instructor: Michele F
Please join Michele F for this fun Girls Yoga series incorporating gentle postures from yoga and pilates into a lively fitness series building healthy habits for a lifetime. For teen girls ages 11 to 17; no prior experience necessary. Classes will involve 45 minutes of standing and floor mat activity, followed by 15 minutes of cooling and stretching. Attendees need to pre-pay and have signed a waiver prior to the first class.
If you are interested in this Series, please contact Susan to inquire about a start date.