
4 Benefits of Yoga

If you’re looking for a way to improve your physical and mental well-being, yoga may be the perfect solution! Here at Every Body Balance in Southborough, we offer a diverse selection of yoga classes, and we’re confident that you’ll find something you love. If you’re new to yoga or deciding whether or not to try…

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4 Best Yoga Poses For Beginners

Even if you’re new to practicing yoga, you can start experiencing the benefits right away! Reaching those more advanced poses takes time and practice, but there are several poses that are perfect for beginners. Here are four of the best poses for yoga beginners from Every Body Balance in Southborough, MA! We hope these great…

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A yoga class with their hands at heart’s center.

How to Get Your Mindset Right During Yoga

We’ve all been there — you’re in the middle of an amazing yoga session and feeling very connected to your body when all of the sudden you start thinking about chores you have to do or what you plan to eat for dinner. Thoughts like these can completely derail your practice if you let them,…

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4 Steps To Increase Your Flexibility

Is your body feeling stiff? Are you interested in becoming more flexible? If so, you’re in luck! In today’s blog post, Every Body Balance is here to share four easy steps you can take to increase your flexibility. Our Southborough, MA studio is passionate about helping people improve their fitness, and your wellness is our…

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4 Reasons to Take a Class at Every Body Balance

When it comes to staying healthy, many people think that they only have to worry about what they eat and how much they exercise. Yoga is a great way to manage stress and keep yourself healthy and balanced. If you’re not already practicing yoga, here are four reasons why you should start taking classes at…

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Yoga for Dealing With COVID-19-Related Mental Health and Stress

Since the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the world in 2020, mental health everywhere has declined significantly. Now, more people than ever are suffering from anxiety, depression, and some are even displaying PTSD-like symptoms. At Every Body Balance in Southborough, MA, we want everyone to live a healthy life, both physically and mentally. Here are a few…

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How Yoga Improves Mental Health

Yoga is an age-old practice that keeps people’s minds and bodies tuned for living a better everyday life. Every Body Balance in Southborough is all about using mental and physical disciplines such as yoga to help improve aspects of your overall health. This blog post will cover the core points where yoga improves one’s mental…

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4 Ways Yoga Improves Health and Fitness

4 Ways Yoga Improves Health and Fitness

We are Every Body Balance, a yoga studio in Southborough, MA providing you with yoga classes that help you improve your health and fitness. Yoga has been shown to provide a number of benefits that improve your health and fitness, including improved flexibility, stability, and balance. In this blog post, we will discuss four ways…

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COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Precautions

  We want you to stay fit, healthy and safe!With the current health concerns regarding COVID-19, we have taken the following steps to help keep you healthy, happy and safe while exercising at Every Body Balance. • We encourage you to bring your own fitness mat, blocks, bolsters and other props to practice if at…

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What Are The Differences Between Yoga and Pilates?

Birds of a feather flock together, right? While yoga and pilates seem similar, they have some key differences. 2018 is coming to a close and the new year is right around the corner, which can only mean one thing — New Year’s resolutions! If you are curious about yoga or pilates, 2019 is your year!…

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