About the studio
We’re a yoga, pilates, barre, personal training, Spin® and core conditioning studio dedicated to celebrating the movement of the human body. Whether gentle or energizing, the Every Body Balance method is tailored to adapt to a wide variety of student needs. Maybe you’re healing from injury or have recurring back pain. We’ll work with you to modify the routines to help manage and care for your body.
We’re dedicated to providing a friendly, fun, and cherished space for our students. Every Body Balance is a place where you come to learn about your self – the body, and your inner self – the mind and emotions. Our mission is to offer an optimal welcoming space for everyone to achieve their personal fitness training and wellness goals.
Please email us with any questions for Susan. Or contact us for more details.
About the Owner

Susan Erdman has been the owner of Every Body Balance studio for more than nine years. Her philosophy is based on science unifying physical, mental, and social health through fun and engaging fitness classes. Every Body Balance is here to help you with your health and wellness goals. In the 1980s, Susan began postdoctoral training at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and at Harvard School of Public Health, and has since been leading her own biomedical research lab at MIT. Her research on the microbiome and holistic health and wellness have been published in Scientific American and the New York Times, and were featured in her 2017 TED Talk. An avid runner and swimmer for decades, in the 1990s she began practicing yoga and discovered pilates with enthusiasm that continues to this day.
After more than 36 years dedicated to scientific research, teaching and administration in academia, Susan has recently retired from MIT and is now devoting more time to sharing her fitness practices and philosophies at Every Body Balance.
Susan, and her husband Brian who regularly helps with administration at the studio, recently celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary. Over the years, together at home they have also adopted 20 retired track greyhounds and work together on natural lands conservation efforts.